Forestry Operations

In 2022, the City of Vaughan was recognized among the “2021 Tree Cities of the World” by the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) and the Arbor Day Foundation for the 2021 calendar year.


To report a downed tree on public property, please call Service Vaughan at 905-832-2281 or email


Carrville District Centre Urban Design Guidelines + Streetscape Plan


The purpose of the Carrville District Centre Urban Design Streetscape Master Plan Study was to prepare Urban Design Guidelines and Detailed Streetscape Master Plans to guide future development in accordance with the Urban Design policies of the Carrville District Plan OPA 651. This study establishes the layout and detailed design of the public and private streetscape spaces, pedestrian and bicycle connections, public amenities and open spaces, as well as criteria for building locations, forms, heights and massing in relation to the public realm.

Tree Planting

Plant a tree near your home

Is there a street near your home that could use a tree? Street trees are available by request on a first-come, first-served basis. Here are a few things to keep in mind:

Vaughan Urban Design Awards

The awards reflect the community’s commitment to quality and innovation in city building.

Every five years, the City of Vaughan invites urban designers, architects, landscape architects, planners, engineers, developers, contractors, landowners and the general public to submit projects for consideration for the Vaughan Urban Design Awards. Submissions were accepted from May to September 2022.

Since the inception of the Vaughan Urban Design Awards in 2008, 36 projects have been awarded.


Planting Your Own Tree

Planting Trees on City-owned Boulevard
Some residents may prefer not to wait for the City to replace the tree on the City-owned boulevard in front of their property or may want a larger tree.


A process is in place to accommodate these requests and is based on meeting the following criteria:

Urban Design Guidelines and Streetscape Plans

The liveability of Vaughan is directly related to our natural systems, the public realm, and walkable and bikeable streets. The Urban Design and Cultural Heritage Division advances the vision, goals and objectives of the City's Official Plan with an emphasis on people and the experience of place. The following urban design policies and guidelines are applied during the urban design evaluation of proposals through the development application process

City-Wide Urban Design Guidelines, Technical Reference Manual

Technical Reference Manual

The Urban Design Guidelines are supported by the following technical reference materials that contain relevant design details, guidelines and Terms of Reference for reports and studies that are required as part of a complete development application. These technical reference materials are for approval in principle by Council, and are subject to change over time.

This Technical Reference Manual includes:


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