Woodbridge Urban Design Guidelines and Streetscape Plan

The Study is two-fold:

  1. To develop an Illustrative Urban Design Guide that provides a greater level of design detail and guidance on development implementation within the Woodbridge Study Area, in support of the Woodbridge Secondary Plan and Woodbridge Heritage Conservation District Plan.
  2. To provide a public realm and streetscape improvement plan with a focus on Woodbridge Avenue.

Concord West Urban Design Framework + Streetscape Plan


The purpose of the Concord West Urban Design Streetscape Plan is to provide an Urban Design Framework, Streetscape Plan, and Phasing/ Implementation Plan for the Concord West Community.

The study will support Vaughan and York Region Official Plan objectives and be coordinated with the community, Regional vivaNext bus rapid transitway planned for Highway 7, and the York Region "Class Environmental Assessment Study for Keele Street from Steeles Avenue to Rutherford Road".


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