Watermain Flushing and Swabbing

To ensure the City of Vaughan continues to provide clean and safe drinking water to residents and businesses, regular maintenance is required. Our water operators routinely perform preventive maintenance on our service lines. This maintenance is called “flushing and swabbing.” Over time, mineral and sediment buildup can discolour water and slow down its flow. Flushing and swabbing the watermains removes natural build-up of scale and sediments from water and assists in improving pressure, flow and potential water quality issues.

Household Hazardous Waste, Electronic Waste and Batteries

What is Household Hazardous Waste?

Household Hazardous Waste (HHW) can be found in every home and includes items that are corrosive, flammable, explosive or poisonous. Examples include batteries, cleaners, medications, needles, paints, motor oil, chemicals, grease, fertilizers and more. These items are not collected with your household waste.


Hazardous material must be disposed of safely and never placed in the garbage, poured down the drain, toilet, sink or outdoor sewer grate.


Letters of Credit

Security Deposits (Letters of Credit & Cash Deposits)

A letter of credit is required under various agreements to guarantee financial or performance obligations to the City.


A conforming Letter of Credit will be accepted. To conform a Letter of Credit must meet the following criteria:


1) Be issued by any of the following six Canadian Chartered banks set out in Schedule 1 of the Bank Act

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