Accessory Structures

A building permit is required for any detached accessory structure that is:

  • 10 metres squared (about 108 feet squared) in size or greater
  • Attached to another structure regardless of size
  • A structure occupying an area of 10 metres squared or less, that contains plumbing

Designer requirements

Drawings that are prepared by a qualified designer (as defined in the Ontario Building Code) must include:

Decks and Porches

A building permit is not required for an uncovered deck maximum 18.6 metres (about 200 square feet), not exceeding 0.6metres (about 23.6 inches) above grade and not attached to an existing structure.


Although a building permit may not be required for the uncovered deck, the deck is still required to meet the City of Vaughan Zoning By-law.


Zoning requirements, such as setbacks to property lines, must be provided when constructing all decks.

Property Information Request

Request for permit application plans (drawings)

The City of Vaughan maintains records of building permit plans; however, it is not guaranteed that all records are available. Archived plans are located at an offsite facility and may take up to a week* to retrieve.   A request must be made through the Building Standards department by owners (proof of ownership required) or authorized agents (letter of authorization from the owner required) of the property.  This documentation must be submitted with a non-refundable&nbs

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