

A Compliance Letter is a property information report which provides pertinent information about a property that may be required for a real estate transaction and may include the following:

  • Zoning designation
  • Zoning setback compliance of structures shown on a legal property survey (if provided) (An up-to-date survey is recommended for such requests)
  • Accepted Building Permit status
  • Outstanding Orders and Notices
  • Occupancy status


Zoning Searches and Forms

Please allow a minimum of five business days to process the following requests:

  • Zoning Search and Written Response
  • Zoning Search for Municipal Licence Clearance (includes Retail Sale of Fireworks)
  • Zoning Search for Day Nursery Licence Clearance
  • Zoning Search for Motor Vehicle Dealership Licence Clearance
  • Liquor Licence Clearance (AGCO) *


* When applying for a Municipal Licence, and an AGCO clearance is required, please apply for a Liquor Licence only.


Traffic and Pedestrian Signals

Traffic signals

For a traffic signal control to be allowed, one or more of the following four warrants must be met:

  • Warrant #1 – Minimum vehicular volumes
  • Warrant #2 – Delay to cross traffic
  • Warrant #3 – Accident experience
  • Warrant #4 – Combination Warrant where two warrants maybe be combined to allow the installation of a traffic signal.




Please note that Comprehensive Zoning By-law 001-2021 is currently under appeal to the Ontario Land Tribunal.  As a result, Zoning By-law 1-88, as amended, remains in effect and applicable to all lands within the City of Vaughan.  Building and Planning applications, which are not considered transitioned under Section 1.6 of Zoning By-law 001-2021, as amended, are subject to compliance with both Zoning By-laws (1-88 and 001-2021) while Zoning By-law 001-2021 is under appeal.


Safety Zones

The City continues to implement various initiatives to enhance our existing programs and ensure all road users, including those who walk, cycle, take transit or drive, are kept safe.

Traffic Calming Measures

Traffic Calming Measures

Traffic calming measures refer to physical features and road designs to

  • reduce vehicular speeds.
  • reduce the number and severity of collisions.
  • improve pedestrian and cyclist safety.
  • improve the quality of the environment.
  • potentially reduce traffic volumes.


Property by-laws

Each complaint or violation requires a significant amount of investigation before a by-law enforcement officer issues a fine of penalty for non-compliance. Charges are laid as a last resort; the goal is to work with property owners and provide education and outreach to follow the by-laws.


These are highlights of the most popular by-laws. For more information, please contact By-law and Compliance, Licensing and Permit Services at 905-832-2281.

Street Lighting

Streetlights on unassumed streets, (generally in subdivisions under construction), are maintained by the developer. Please provide as much information as possible and the City will contact the developer to arrange for repairs.


To report an issue with a streetlight, please contact Service Vaughan at or 905-832-2281. You may also make a request online:


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