Venue Booking
If you are interested in a full listing of City facilities, please visit the links below:
If you are interested in a full listing of City facilities, please visit the links below:
Sign into your account to report issues with waste collection, report issues with Vaughan roads and request services related to parks, trees and grass on City property, as well as access the Service Request Portal (for some waste and water services), the Online Permitting Portal (for building and engineering permits) and the Licensing Portal (for business licences).
The Ontario Government announced that the 2021 Assessment Update has been postponed. Property assessments for the 2022, 2023 and now 2024 taxation years will continue to be based on the fully phased-in Jan. 1, 2016 current values. For more information, visit Notices and Notifications | MPAC .
General assessment information
The City understands
Residents should contact private wildlife companies to deal with healthy wildlife that is causing a nuisance on private property.
With understanding and some simple precautions, residents can learn to enjoy the wild animals who share our backyards and cities. Often the best way to prevent issues with wildlife is to make small changes on your property and in your actions. For example, removing food sources, water and shelter will encourage wildlife to go elsewhere.
Adopting an animal can be a rewarding experience. Visit adoptions for more information.
Service animals are important because they can save lives and improve the quality of life for people with disabilities by performing specific functions and services to assist the individual. That includes guide dogs for people who are blind or partially sighted, cats to aid people living with anxiety, and rats trained to be alert to muscle spasms. Welcoming service animals is an important part of being inclusive to all residents.
What can you do to support people with service animals?