Street Sweeping

Here’s how you can help:

  • Do not park vehicles on the road
  • Do not blow or rake leaves or grass clippings onto the roadway
  • Ensure vehicles do not overhang onto the road
  • Keep basketball or hockey nets off the road and away from the edge of the curb
  • Ensure waste containers are not placed on the road


Your help ensures sweep crews can efficiently clean and maintain our city.


Tax Payments and Assistance

The current four-year property tax assessment period covers 2017 to 2020, with an assessment valuation date of Jan. 1, 2016. This period was extended to include 2022, 2023,and now 2024. The tax bills issued in 2024 will be calculated using the assessment values provided by the Municipal Property Assessment Corporation (MPAC). Visit Assessment Information for more details and information.


Bill Schedule

Interim tax bill due dates

Property Tax and Assessment

The City of Vaughan sends out two regular tax bills a year: interim and final. Contact the City immediately if a tax bill has not been received.  Tax bill re-prints are available for a fee per year, per statement.  Failure to receive a tax bill does not exempt property owners from paying taxes and any penalties incurred for late payment.  

Recreation Programs

Batter up for baseball, T-ball or a slo-pitch league! Jam on the guitar and ukulele. Create crafts to celebrate Earth Day, Easter, mum and dad. Practice mindfulness or martial arts. Take a swing at tennis, badminton, pickleball, squash. Draw different perspectives or paint pottery. Study space in a 4k planetarium. Elevate your cooking. Engineer LEGO® robots and design Minecraft or Roblox games. Spring clean your diet with a nutritionist. Go to group fitness classes. Learn email etiquette, money management or how to write a resume. 


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