
About the by-law

The Road Allowance By-law allows and prohibits various activities on the "road allowance", which is defined as the public lands in between private properties, such as, but not be limited to, the boulevards.  The intent of the by-law is to minimize health, safety, and environmental issues, as well as anything that may block pedestrian and vehicular traffic and sightlines.


About the by-law


The Noise By-law 121-2021 (PDF) regulates noise and the times of day noise can occur. The purpose of the by-law is to preserve and protect the safety and welfare of all residents of the city by promoting peace and quiet.




Traffic Signs and Pavement Markings

Regulatory signs

include stop signs, yield signs, speed limit signs and turn/parking control signs. They are used to show or reinforce traffic laws and instruct road users on what they must, should or should not do.


Warning Signs

include sharp curve signs, checkerboard signs, speed hump signs, stop-ahead signs, and pedestrian ahead signs. They are used to give advance notice for an unexpected and potential hazard.

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