Lead Sampling in Drinking Water

Frequently Asked Questions


Should I be concerned about lead in my drinking water?

No, distribution sampling results have not shown any indication that unacceptable levels of lead are present in Vaughan’s water. Test results have consistently shown that Vaughan’s lead levels are below the regulated maximum level.





Number of samples taken


Water Quality

Continuous maintenance of the City's water infrastructure ensures water continues to flow now and for generations to come. Samples are also analyzed for physical, chemical and inorganic parameters, and are representative of the City’s entire distribution system. They are collected from across the city.


Water and Wastewater Rate Study

As part of this commitment, in 2020 the City undertook a comprehensive review of the current rates and rate structure for the delivery of water and wastewater services to Vaughan residents and businesses. The study’s outcome, presented to Council in April 2021, validated the City’s current methodology for the water and wastewater rate structure.


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