Economic Development

We also assist companies that are physically expanding their facilities. The Economic Development team is here to help facilitate development process to ensure that business expansion or relocation proceeds smoothly.


Our services include:

Communications, Marketing and Engagement

The Communications, Marketing and Engagement department works with City Council and staff to help get messages about City programs, services and events out to the public. The team ensures messages are clear, and consistent and encourage civic participation while supporting Vaughan’s commitment to open, transparent and accessible government.

Some of the services provided by Communications, Marketing and Engagement are:

Office of the City Manager

Role of the City Manager

The City Manager is appointed by Vaughan Council to ensure their decisions and policy direction are effectively implemented in support of a progressive vision of building a City of Choice that promotes diversity, innovation and opportunities for all residents.


As the head of the administration, the City Manager provides leadership to the organization to:

Vaughan Firefighter Job Postings

Becoming a Firefighter

During every Vaughan firefighter recruitment, hundreds of individuals apply in hopes of joining the fire service. The job offers challenging work, continuous learning and opportunities for advancement in a professional work environment. The recruitment process can take more than six months (or longer) due to the various steps and competitive process. Firefighters who are successful in their training and requirements are officially welcomed into the service with a graduation ceremony.


Woodbridge Focused Area Study

The Woodbridge Centre Secondary Plan, with modifications, was adopted at Council on May 6th, 2014. The Secondary Plan was included as Attachment # 1 to the Special Policy Area (SPA) Justification Report package, subsequently submitted to the Province for approval of the Woodbridge SPA. The City received a letter from the Province approving the SPA Justification Report package in the Fall of 2014. The SPA package, including the Woodbridge Centre Secondary Plan, may be found at the City Clerk’s webpage:


Council Report - May 6, 2014 (Item # 35)

West Vaughan Employment Lands

While the southern part of this employment area has developed (the Vaughan Enterprise Zone), the lands north of Langstaff - the West Vaughan Employment Area (WVEA) - have not proceeded due to uncertainty around the proposed Highway 427 extension. As the preferred alignment for the Highway 427 extension has been identified through the Environmental Assessment process, further planning and development of these lands has been completed and adopted by Council on September 7 2010.

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