Vaughan Showcases New State-Of-The-Art Interactive City Hall Directory
Mayor Maurizio Bevilacqua and City staff yesterday introduced and demonstrated City Hall’s new state-of-the-art, digital interactive directory – a 40-inch touch screen, wireless networked media player. The directory is located in the main atrium and can be accessed by those visiting City Hall.
Martha Bell Recognized For Work In Preserving City's Natural Heritage
Long-time Vaughan resident Martha Bell received a 2011 Heritage Community Recognition Program Award during a ceremonial presentation at this week’s Council meeting. The award, sponsored by the Ontario Heritage Trust, recognized Martha Bell’s efforts in the Natural Heritage category.
Recipients Of Vaughan Heritage Preservation Awards Recognized At Council
Recipients of the 2012 Vaughan Heritage Preservation Awards were recognized at a Council meeting on February 21 for their efforts in the restoration and conservation of Vaughan buildings of cultural heritage value. These projects support the City’s vision of maintaining its historic streetscapes and unique architectural heritage.
Vaughan Looks to the Future in Approving its 2012 Operating and Capital Budgets
Vaughan Council unanimously approved the City’s 2012 Operating and Capital Budgets at a Special Meeting of Council on Monday, February 13. A total of $226 million has been allocated for services and City operations and $49.3 million for capital improvements.
Mayor Bevilacqua Welcomes Provincial Approval of Stage Two Planning for Vaughan Hospital
Posted on behalf of York Central Hospital
And the Ward 4 Civic Hero Award Goes To
Vaughan Council recently presented Mr. Som Nath Sharma with the City’s Ward 4 Civic Hero Award for his work with the Thornhill Senior Citizens Club and the Seniors Association of Vaughan Initiative (SAVI).
Community Work Honoured With Ward 4 Civic Hero Award
Vaughan Celebrates Chinese New Year and the Year of the Dragon
On Sunday, January 29, 2012, Mayor Maurizio Bevilacqua and Members of Council joined the Federation of Chinese Canadians in York Region (FCCYR), special guests and residents at Vaughan City Hall to celebrate the Chinese New Year and welcome the Year of Dragon.
Vaughan Receives 2011 Community Campaign Spirit Award
More than 20,000 donors, 2,000 volunteers and 250 businesses in York Region came together to raise $8.18 million for the 2011 fundraising campaign, a one per cent increase over 2010.