City Of Vaughan Receives Top Honours For Business Development Publication

The City of Vaughan has earned an Award of Excellence for its business development publication Vaughan Building a Gateway to Tomorrow’s Economy. The 2011 marketing award was given by the Economic Developers Council of Ontario (EDCO). Vaughan  Council was presented with the award yesterday by members of the City’s Economic Development Department.
"This award recognizes the best in economic development programs and marketing materials," said Mayor Maurizio Bevilacqua.

Recipients Of Vaughan Heritage Preservation Awards Recognized At Council

Recipients of the 2012 Vaughan Heritage Preservation Awards were recognized at a Council meeting on February 21 for their efforts in the restoration and conservation of Vaughan buildings of cultural heritage value. These projects support the City’s vision of maintaining its historic streetscapes and unique architectural heritage. 

Community Work Honoured With Ward 4 Civic Hero Award

Vaughan Council has presented Ward 4 resident Rabbi Chaim Hildeshaim and his wife, Chanie Hildeshaim, with the Civic Hero Award in recognition of their outstanding contributions to the community.
"As a City that encourages residents to become involved and engaged, we take pride in knowing that very special citizens are actively working to improve their own community and by extension, improve the quality of life in our City,” said Mayor Maurizio Bevilacqua.
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