The City Of Vaughan Revises Its Official Plan In Response To Public Input

Pedestrian-friendly neighbourhoods, an urban approach to new developments, and a focus on job creation are some of the highlights of an updated version of the City of Vaughan’s Official Plan presented Monday evening, September 12 at a Special Committee of the Whole meeting.  
“I am pleased that our residents and businesses continue to contribute to the Official Plan process, demonstrating a strong commitment to the future of this City,” said Mayor Maurizio Bevilacqua.

Drowning Prevention Week With Water Smart Activities

​During National Drowning Prevention Week, July 16 to 23, 2011, the City of Vaughan has organized a series of water smart activities at Garnet A. Williams Pool and Thornhill Outdoor Pool.
The schedule of activities includes:
Water Smart Contest:
Monday, July 18 – Garnet A. Williams Pool, 501 Clark Avenue West, 1:30 – 4 p.m. Thornhill Outdoor Pool, 28 Centre Street, 2 – 7 p.m.
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