Vaughan Announces Appointment of New Commissioner of Planning

Vaughan Council has announced the appointment of John MacKenzie, M.Sc.(Pl), MCIP, RPP as the City’s new Commissioner of Planning, effective June 13, 2011.

"On behalf of the City and Members of Council, I would like to welcome Mr. John MacKenzie to the City of Vaughan,” said Mayor Maurizio Bevilacqua. “With his wealth of experience in both the public and private sectors, Mr. MacKenzie will be making a major contribution to the planning and continued growth of our great City.”

FCM’s Green Municipal Fund helps Vaughan Measure Sustainability Performance

​Hans Cunningham, president of the Federation of Canadian Municipalities (FCM) and director of the Regional District of Central Kootenay, B.C., and the Honourable Julian Fantino, Minister of State (Seniors) and Member of Parliament for Vaughan, today announced a Green Municipal Fund™  (GMF) grant for the City of Brampton, the Town of Richmond Hill and the City of Vaughan.

The municipalities will put the $85,000 in GMF funding toward creating sustainability guidelines for development and redevelopment projects.

Vaughan Health Care Receives Federal Funding

The federal government is providing $10 million for planning a health-care network and hospital in Vaughan (Canadian Press, March 16, 2011). Said Mayor Maurizio Bevilacqua: “The need for expanded healthcare services in Vaughan is widely recognized and is a priority for Council. I am proud that all levels of government are working with the community to attract innovative health-related industries which will provide employment and promote business growth in Vaughan."

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