City Of Vaughan Donates $10,000 To The Haifa Emergency Relief Effort
City Of Vaughan Celebrates Success Of First Annual Toy Drive
Mayor Maurizio Bevilacqua and Members of Council today donated toys collected for the CP24 CHUM Christmas Wish 2010 program.
“I want to thank everyone in the community who donated a toy to help bring a smile to a child’s face this holiday season,” said Mayor Bevilacqua. “At this special time of the year it is heartening to see our community come together to assist families across the GTA. We live in a wonderful City where generosity and compassion are demonstrated throughout the year and I am proud of the support we have all shown for this important initiative.”
Council Freezes Their Salary
City of Vaughan Invites the Community to Participate in Toy Drive
Vaughan Council today announced its first annual toy drive in support of the CP24 CHUM Christmas Wish 2010 program. Mayor Honourable Maurizio Bevilacqua and Members of Council invite local schools, residents and businesses to take part in the drive by dropping off a new, unwrapped toy at any one of the designated locations across the City.
Menorah Lighting Held At Civic Centre
Chanukah, also known as the Festival of Lights, is an eight-day holiday celebrated each year to commemorate the rededication of the Temple in Jerusalem in the second century BCE.
Council Inauguration Ceremony Celebrates City's Future
Inauguration of Council to be Broadcast at Special Event and on City's Website
Vaughan residents are invited to celebrate the Inauguration of Council at a special reception on Monday, December 6, 2010.