Closing the gap in the Bartley Smith Greenway Trail
Have a question
about a service in Vaughan? Want to report an issue? Access Vaughan is standing
by with Citizen Service Representatives ready to respond to all citizen
inquiries. Reach the City’s contact centre by phone at 905-832-2281 (toll-free:
1-844-832-2112) or email at
Voting Day for the 2022 Municipal Election is being held on Monday, Oct. 24 in Vaughan. Do you know if you are registered to vote? To find out if you are on the Voters’ List, visit the Municipal Property Assessment Corporation’s (MPAC) online tool at Ensure your information is accurate and up to date, and, if necessary, make changes and additions for yourself or others in your household.
The following statement was issued by Vaughan Mayor Maurizio Bevilacqua after an announcement was made today on immediate next steps for the Vaughan Healthcare Centre Precinct:
City reinforces mandate for data-driven decision-making
Service Excellence is always top-of-mind for the City of Vaughan, and the Public Works team continues to introduce innovations using cutting-edge technology to enhance operational performance and the citizen experience. Namely, a new and more efficient way to manage forestry requests.
Forestry Maintenance
No one likes finding litter or household garbage bags in Vaughan’s parks and trails. That’s why the City of Vaughan is here to remind you that keeping Vaughan litter-free is a team effort! There are a few simple steps everyone can take to ensure these public spaces stay clean for all to enjoy: