By-law library

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This library contains PDF copies of most by-laws enacted by the City of Vaughan since 2011. Please note that by-laws may be amended or repealed from time to time. For help locating by-laws and status of by-laws, please contact


Animal Control 066-2020 (Consolidated)



Business Licensing 122-2022 (Consolidated)

Photography permits 169-2020 (Consolidated)

Signage 140-2018 (Consolidated)

Site plan control - city wide 123-2013, 077-2022, 064-2024


Fees and Charges 251-2024

Municipal Accommodation Tax, Short-Term Rental 183-2019 (Consolidated)


Fences - apportionment of costs 175-93

Fences - height and description 189-2020 (Consolidated)

Long grass and weeds 125-2022 (Consolidated)

Standing water 143-2003

Storage shed and accessory structures 152-2002 *Note: For the most current zoning information, including any possible site-specific zoning exceptions, please contact the Building Standards department at 905-832-8510.

Tree protection 052-2018 (Consolidated)

Tree planting, trimming or removal 052-2018 (Consolidated)

Water usage 024-2024 (Consolidated)


Anti-graffiti 46-2009 (Consolidated)

Debris 103-2020 (Consolidated)

Fences - apportionment of costs 175-93

Fire burn permit 157-2023 (Consolidated)

Fireworks and pyrotechnics 089-2022 (Consolidated)

Littering and dumping 103-2020 (Consolidated)

Ward boundaries 89-2009

Waste collection 121-2024 (Consolidated)


Fireworks and pyrotechnics 089-2022 (Consolidated)

Noise control 121-2021 (Consolidated), 225-2024

Nuisance 124-2024 (Consolidated)


Protecting Vulnerable Social Infrastructure 143-2024 (Consolidated)


Conveyance of land 139-90

Nuisance 124-2024 (Consolidated)

Parks 134-95 (Consolidated), 159-2023

Protecting Vulnerable Social Infrastructure 143-2024 (Consolidated)

Smoking 074-2019 (Consolidated)


Debris 103-2020 (Consolidated)

Fireworks and pyrotechnics 089-2022 (Consolidated)

Property standards 231-2011 (Consolidated), 005-2025

Sewer use 025-2024 (Consolidated)

Short-term rental 158-2019 (Consolidated)

Municipal Accommodation Tax, Short-Term Rental 183-2019 (Consolidated)

Road Allowance 126-2024 (Consolidated)

Standing water 143-2003

Storage shed and accessory structures 152-2002 Note: For the most current zoning information, including any possible site-specific zoning exceptions, please contact the Building Standards department at 905-832-8510.

Waste collection 121-2024 (Consolidated)




Administrative Penalties 240-2024,  004-2025

Firearms 123-2016 (Consolidated)

Delegation 144-2018 (Consolidated)

Fortification of land 085-2024 (Consolidated)

Lobbyist Registry 165-2017 (Consolidated)

Notice 394-2002 (Consolidated)

Procedure 7-2011 (Consolidated)

Site Alteration 031-2024 (Consolidated)

Ward boundaries 89-2009 

York Region


City staff also enforce some regulations of the Regional Municipality of York, such as the Parking and Stopping on Regional Roads By-laws. 
To view by-laws on Regional matters, please visit the Region’s website here.

Contact Information

Office of the City Clerk

Vaughan City Hall
2141 Major Mackenzie Dr.
Vaughan, ON L6A 1T1

Select view block
Bylaw Listing
A By-law to dedicate certain lands as part of the public highway. (Part of Lot 21, Concession 5, designated as Parts 4, 8, 9 and 10 on Plan 65R-36875, Major Mackenzie Drive)
A By-law to amend Appointment By-law 73-2007.
A By-law to amend City of Vaughan By-law 1-88. (Z.12.036, DA.08.051, Steeles Keele Investments Limited, located at the northwest quadrant of Steeles Avenue West and Keele Street, in Lot 1, Concession 4)
A By-law to repeal By-law 036-2015. (PLC.14.008, Roybridge Holdings Limited, located at the northwest corner of Regional Road 7 and Regional Road 27, known municipally as 6170, 6200, 6250 and 6260 Regional Road 7, being Part of Blocks 38,39, 42 and 43, and all of Blocks 44 and 45 on Registered Plan 65M-3627, in Lots 6 and 7, Concession 9)
A By-law to exempt parts of Plan 65M-3627 from the provisions of Part Lot Control. (PLC.14.008, Roybridge Holdings Limited, located at the northwest corner of Regional Road 7 and Regional Road 27, known municipally as 6170, 6200, 6250 and 6260 Regional Road 7, being Part of Blocks 38,39, 42 and 43, and all of Blocks 44 and 45 on Registered Plan 65M-3627, in Lots 6 and 7, Concession 9)
A By-law to authorize the Mayor and Clerk to execute Section 37 Density Bonussing Agreements on behalf of the City of Vaughan between The Corporation of the City of Vaughan and Baif Developments Limited.
A By-law to assume Municipal Services in North Bathurst Phase 2 Subdivision, 19T-95044, Registered Plan 65M-4091. (North Bathurst Developments Limited dated June 12, 2008)
A By-law to assume Municipal Services in Lindvest Phase 2A Subdivision, 19T-04V05, Registered Plan 65M-4191. (Lindvest Properties (Bathurst Mackenzie) Limited dated June 4, 2010)
A By-law to assume Municipal Services in Andridge Subdivisions Phases 2, 2A and 2B, 19T-99V08, Registered Plan 65M-4016 (balance), 65M-4017, 65M-4018, 65M-4019 (balance), 65M-4020, 65M-4133 and 65M-4184. (Andridge Homes Limited, Andridge Homes Three Limited, Andridge Homes Four Limited, Andridge Homes Five Limited, and Nipoti Block 12 East Inc. dated August 15, 2007 (Phase 2), June 10, 2009 (Phase 2A), June 14, 2010 (Phase 2B))
A By-law to assume Municipal Services in Mackenzie Ridge Subdivision, 19T-03V11, Registered Plan 65M-4160. (Ventana Homes Inc. dated December 11, 2009)
A By-law to assume Municipal Services in Lindvest Phase 2 Subdivision, 19T-04V05, Registered Plan 65M-4110. (Lindvest Properties (Bathurst Mackenzie) Limited dated October 21, 2008)
A By-law to assume Municipal Services in Block 12, Phase 1 Spine Services. (Andridge Homes Limited, Andridge Homes Two Limited, Andridge Homes Three Limited, Andridge Homes Four Limited, Andridge Homes Five Limited, Fernbrook Homes (McNair Creek) Limited, Major Bob Farms Inc., Midvale Estates Inc., Mayvon Investments Ltd., E. Manson Investments Limited, Zureit Holdings Limited, 2056668 Ontario Inc., Royal Garden Homes Ltd. and Block 12 Properties Inc. dated November 24, 2005)
A By-law to assume Municipal Services in Keystar Subdivision, Phase 1, 2 and 2A, 19T-00V07, Registered Plan 65M-3903, 65M-4101 and 65M-4209. (Keystar Developments Inc. dated March 9, 2006 (Phase 1). June 11, 2008 (Phase 2), August 9, 2010 (Phase 2A))
A By-law to assume Municipal Services in Argento Subdivision Phase 2 and 2A, 19T-03V08, Registered Plan 65M-4103 and 65M-4210. (Argento Developments Inc. dated June 12, 2008 (Phase 2), August 9, 2010 (Phase 2A))
A By-law to assume Municipal Services in Villagio Subdivision, 19T-04V04, Registered Plan 65M-4077. (PB Homes (Woodbridge) Corporation dated August 21, 2007
A By law to confirm the proceedings of Council at its meeting on February 10, 2015.
A By-law to confirm the proceedings of Council at its meeting on January 20, 2015.
A By-law to amend By-law Number 372-2004 to provide for the issuing, revoking, and/or suspending of permits and for regulating and inspecting Newspaper Boxes within the City of Vaughan.
A By-law to amend By-law Number 371-2004 to provide for the issuing, revoking, and/or suspending of permits and for regulating and inspecting filming events within the City of Vaughan.
A By-law to amend By-law Number 315-2005, as amended, being a By-law to provide for the licensing, regulating and governing of certain businesses, activities and undertakings in the City of Vaughan